Air Purifiers with Multi Layer Filtration combined with HEPA Filters, can capture pollen indoors that can trigger seasonal allergies, asthma & more accute problems.

Spring, the loveliest season of the year is idyllic to most but miserable to the ones who suffer from seasonal allergies.  Sneezing, runny nose, increased congestion, coughing, itchy or swollen watery eyes may all occur in a person suffering from seasonal allergies. The offending agents which trigger such allergic symptoms are the pollen of flower buds and blooming trees that beautifully cover the landscape during this season. April and May are typically the worst months for people who suffer from seasonal allergies, as pollen counts are at their highest during these months.

Pollen is the tiny particles released from trees, weeds, and grasses that hitch rides on currents of air. Although their sole purpose is to fertilize parts of other plants, many fail to reach their targets. They enter human noses and throats instead, triggering a type of seasonal allergic rhinitis called pollen allergy, more colloquially known as hay fever or rose fever. This airborne allergen even triggers Asthma which is a chronic breathing condition where the airways or bronchial tubes become inflamed and narrow, thus making it difficult for one to breathe.

Of all the things that can cause an allergy, pollen is considered to be one of the most widespread. Foods, drugs, animals, insects and household dust that cause allergies can be avoided to a great extent. But, there is no easy way to evade wind born pollen. This dramatically impacts how an individual interacts with the world, leading to significant loss of study for children, and work for adults.

As pollens originate in plants, most people find that their allergies are particularly troublesome when outdoors. While it is quite challenging to avoid the pesky pollen when outdoors, it is possible to keep our homes and offices pollen-free where we spend close to about 80% of our time, making it a safe haven for allergy sufferers. Washing hair and clothes when returning from outdoors and vacuuming indoors regularly help to control pollen amounts within the home. The best solution however is to use an air filtration system at home (Air Purifiers with a HEPA filter) that reduces the amount of pollen that circulates within the home.

Air Purifiers having multiple Layers along with HEPA filters do an excellent job of eliminating the pollens indoors. XJ-4001B 3They can capture over 99.9% of the pollens that pass through the filters. In this category, we have the Crusaders XJ-4001B Air Purifier which is a trend setter in terms of both performance and technology. This Air Purification System with an inbuilt PM2.5 meter is based on the principal of FDA approved technology called PCO (photo-catalytic oxidation) along with high grade HEPA & Carbon Filter that not only neutralizes pollen allergen but dust, smoke, odour, bacteria, virus , other micro-organisms , and toxic gases such as formaldehyde. A premium offering from Crusaders, the product is apt for large area (950 Sq. Feet Area) and is competitively priced at Rs. 38,000.

The company has other models with range starting from Rs.5,000 with different capacities.  Installing one in your home or office will allow you to breathe in a pollen-free room and lead a symptom-free, healthier life.