Make an educated choice.

It’s time to move from ranting to reasoning because there is a lot more about Selecting and Using an Air Purifier.

There are different size air-purifying units for you in the marketplace. But you need to know that your choice of air purifier is totally dependent on what you are trying to achieve. You might get confused looking at the whooping range of air purifiers that have a HEPA filter; however, you need to know what determines the efficiency of a HEPA filter.

Let us Begin with Knowledge facts about HEPA filters.

  1. What is a HEPA filter?

“HEPA” means High Efficiency Particulate Air filter. HEPA filters are designed to pull the tiniest of pollutants from the air and trap them permanently. Their ability to effectively trap these pollutants makes HEPA filters the heart of any filter-based air purifier.

  1. How does a HEPA filter work?

A HEPA filter works when the air pushes through it. According to WebMD, the HEPA filter’s ultra-fine mesh catches 99.7 percent of all particles 0.3 microns or smaller, which includes tobacco smoke, pet dander, mold spores, dust mites, and pollen.

Once you take the HEPA filter and install it in the air purifier, you must know about the other variables involved. As the air is drawn into the air purifier, some of the air can bypass the filter media depending on the way the filter is housed inside of the air purifier. As much as 40% or 50% of the air can pass by the filter media in some HEPA filter based air purifiers resulting in poor performance.

For an air cleaner to be effective in a home, it must provide clean air to a home at a rate that exceeds the amount of pollution entering that home. Most homes in Delhi are not well-sealed; therefore, it is necessary to have a large CADR to balance pollution leaking in from outside.

(Note: HEPA purifiers are advisable for anybody with respiratory conditions as a step towards reducing exposure to pollutants. However, HEPA filters get choked with dust, and have to be replaced every few months.)

  1. Why should you have an indoor air quality solutions provider?

A good air purifier is only good if it is used properly, which means maintenance, how well-matched it is to the space in which it is used, and other good indoor air quality practices like minimizing sources of pollution and managing ventilation techniques.

Do you still have questions?

For more information on a specific air purifier or air treatment solution, please give us a call at +91-1126183611.

Air Purifier

Family on floor lying in living-room


5 thoughts on “Move from Ranting to Reasoning about HEPA filters.

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